Thanks for taking the family carving class!
I hope you enjoyed the time and found the instruction useful.
Green woodworking is a wonderful craft that can provide years of engagement and growth.
Here are steps to finish up your project and how to keep going with the craft.
Final touches
Depending on how things moved along during class, you may have some finishing work to do at home on your beads.
If there are any rough spots, you can sand them smooth with some sandpaper - around 150 grit would be great.
You can keep the natural look of the wood by using mineral oil, butcher block wax, or any clear wood finish. For some color, you can paint the beads with acrylics, watercolors, or milk paint.

String them up
The beads work well as a chunky necklace, keychain, worry stone, or decorative garland.
Use twine, ribbon, raffia, shoelaces, paracord - really anything.
Keep carving!
It was great to start you along the green woodworking path. Here are some resources you may find helpful as you continue to explore things. After beads, a great next project would be to carve a butter spreader.
If you want to get a "sloyd" carving knife of your own, you can't beat a Mora 106.
Several carvers sell "green" wood blanks including Emmet (, Dawson ( and many on the spoon crank ( I also sell spreader blanks for $5 and spoon blanks for $8.
There are many great books on green woodworking, unfortunately not many are carried in the libraries. Some that are in my collection include Sloyd In Wood, The Handcarved Bowl, and Country Woodcraft.
Green woodworking has a strong community around it. There is fantastic collaboration and support on Instagram, as well as in-person gatherings (VT, NY, NJ).
A robust, welcoming virtual community is Rise Up and Carve. This is a zoom room that is always open for carvers to chat while they carve. Mornings and after-work are the most popular. If you sign in and nobody's there, hang around for a bit and someone may pop up - notices go out to regulars letting them know someone opened the room. There are also periodic "challenges" where you can try a technique or shape and then share your work. Check out the YouTube channel as well.
Here are some carvers I admire; give each a google search to find their site or Instagram: Danielle Rose Byrd, David Fisher, Joel Paul, Jody Neb, Kaylyn Messer.
Further instruction:
If you'd like additional instruction with me, I'm always happy to schedule time. A good next session would be taking on carving a butter spreader or a spoon. Axe work & safety would also be a useful session when you're ready to take that on. Cost is $60 per hour, plus materials fees (starting at $10, depending on the scope and if you'd like me to procure tools to take home). Two to three hour sessions seem ideal for most learners; adult/child teams welcome.
I hope all this helps and you continue to carve. Keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions. Plus, send pictures of anything you finish!